Grapes, grapes or grapes (Vitis vinifera) are a type of fruit that grows on vines. The grapevine belongs to the Vitaceae family. From 6 to 300 grapes are held together in the same bunch. Its color can be black, blue, gold, green, purple-red, or white. Ripe grapes are eaten directly, or made into juice, jelly, wine, or grape-seed oil. Grapes are dried to make raisins. Wild gorse often consumes other plants as pollinators. Small-scale grape cultivation does not require additional space. Grapes can be cultivated by choosing a place in the courtyard of the house where there is sun from morning to afternoon but there is no standing water. If there is no space around the house or in the yard, especially in urban areas, they can grow grapes in tubs on the roof of the house. Grapes are very nutritious Grapes are widely used as food for patients in our country It contains protein, carbohydrates, fat, calcium, phosphorus, iron, minerals, potassium, thiamin, riboflavin, vitamin-A, B, C. Moreover...